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(Episode 5: The Ring)



(Episode 5: The Ring)

“Heart’s still pounding, I’m sweating like a blacksmith during summertime, breathing too much! I just killed two Kobolds and almost managed to get killed too…What have I gotten into?”

“Calm down, calm down…”


“I said calm down, ok, ok, gotta check my wound on my leg and see whats up with the pain under my right foot”

Our young adventurer sits on the steps almost stepping on another caltrop hidden on the dark floor. He realizes how lucky he was he didn’t step on more of them. He takes his boot off and takes a look at his foot where the caltrop pierced through. Fortunately it punctured the heel which is the hardest part of the boot. Add to that the fact that since the boots are a bit oversized for him he added a bit of padding and wraps around his foot that prevented the sharp tip from penetrating deep. He checks his thigh where the damn kobold pierced him, this is a bit worse but still managable. He applies a balm he bought (stole) from an old medicine woman from a village close to his mom’s farm.
He bandages his wounds with the clean wraps he acquired for this journey (mom’s new bed sheets) and then tries to stand on his right leg to see if the pain is managable.

“ Foot’s pretty much ok, stings a bit, but the leg muscle is a bit tense. I hope the medicine woman’s balm kicks in soon”

“Let’s see, kobolds bow is broken, the short sword is rustier than grandpa’s breath and the archer’s dagger, well that looks good. That’s a keep!”

“Ok, the arm, let’s…try ….and get….this …ring …off, ops sorry stranger your finger just popped off”

The young man gently puts the arm back down and cleans the ring on the tattered rags of one of the kobolds. He looks at it carefully, it seems precious, something he never had the fortune of having. A symbol similar to the one on the stranger’s belt is inscribed on a white opal and another different rune is on the inside of the ring, a wierd rune he can’t understand. To be honest he only noticed that same symbol on the strangers belt after seeing him die.

He takes his glove off and slips it on his middle finger as it was on the stranger’s hand and takes a good look at it.

“Ok, got the ring, now what? He spoke of a symbol to follow but I have no idea where to find it in this dark place. Maybe it looks like that rune on the…*yawn*…inside of the ring.”

“Maybe he was just blabbering madly after all the pain he was…*yawn*…under…I’m looking around now…but I can’t seeee anyttthiing, wwwwaiit…….wwhyy issss ittt gggetttingg ssssooooo ddarkkkk iinn hherrreee aallll offf thhe

What has just happened to our young adventurer? Did the adrenaline dump kick in and is he really tired for the great effort of the anxiety of the fight? Next episode will be posted later today!

Stay tuned!
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